GPX Track
Type: Circular
Length: 7.61 km (4.72 miles)
Time: 2:04:40
Difficulty: Easy
Total climb: 350m (0.21 miles)
Start/Finish: 34.933202, 32.87181
Perfect one for beginners with few stunning views, going through open areas, forest, ski center. You will also meet 500 year old black pine. Visit it any time of year – at summer it will be nice place to get rid of heat. At winter (December – March) difficulty becomes hard because you don’t see the trail and at some places snow gets to your knees. So mind to get good high boots if you go there at winter. Also if it is snowing police may not permit you to enter Troodos area. You can always check current condition with the help of webcam in Troodos: Also mind that at this height it’s about 10C less hot than at sea level.
You will see stunning cloud views if you go not in summer period.

Summer views:

Don’t be afraid of snow in winter, it’s very beatifull, just remember about high boots:

Near ski center there is also a crowd of people

But there is also a chance to see nothing because of clouds: